Michelin Motorsport, more than ever Renault Sport Racing’s preferred partner for Customer Competition

Long-time partners in several national and international competitions, Renault Sport Racing and Michelin Motorsport have decided to extend their agreements for the Renault Clio Cups in 2017.

For several decades, Michelin has shod open-wheel cars, prototypes and rally cars developed by Renault Sport. Sharing the same vision of affordable and equitable racing, Michelin Motorsport and Renault Sport Racing work hand in hand in competition while also researching innovative technologies capable of being transferred to production ranges.

The performance of MICHELIN competition tyres, the commitment of the French manufacture in the development of specific rubber, but also the service quality to competitors, were deciding factures in Renault Sport Racing’s decision.

Renault Sport Racing has chosen to renew its agreement while continuing the Renault Clio Cups in 2017 to allow competitors to benefit from Michelin’s expertise while strengthening commercial, sporting and technical relationships.

Jean-Pascal Dauce, Renault Sport Racing Director of Customer Competition Programme : “We are thrilled to extend our partnership with Michelin in the Renault Clio Cups next season. The commitment of Michelin, but also the quality of its tyres and service, is strongly appreciated in the categories where we are already associated. This just doesn’t happen ; it is the result of highly successful work over several years.”

Philippe Mussati, Michelin Motorsport Customer Racing Director : “It is with great pleasure that we will reunite with these fine Clio Cups that are run in a majority of European countries. For Michelin, this competition is as interesting and motivating as the powerful Renault Sport R.S.01 or the highly efficient Formula Renault 2.0. Our partnership aim is global and concerns all possible categories in addressing pure amateurs as professional teams”

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Media Contact
Renault Sport Racing, Customer Racing Programme
Marie-Hélène de Rabaudy
